Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just a little note...

No Sunday Sonnet this morning.  I am considering all that I have to do over the next few days, and have realized that I can't possibly write all the papers, prepare all the lessons, do all the financial/legal paperwork, make it to all the classes.  I will have to edit my to-do list, but everything on it is an obligation or a committment, and how do you eliminate those in good conscience?  Hmmm...

Instead of my sonnet, I am writing a lesson introducing poetry to first grade students.  I'm excited about it.  What a fun exploration it will be... I think I'm just going to ignore the length of my list and take one thing at a time.

Where ever you are, whatever the weather, I wish you time to dream.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

One thing at a time
May you be Happy
May you be Well
May you Safe
May you be at Peace

Marcie said...

Thank you for that gentle blessing, Ernestine. Just reading it makes me feel more at peace.

Jessica Monte said...

Happy planning! I remember that I really enjoyed mapping out my lessons once upon a time . . .

Pom Pom said...

Yikes! I'm sorry you have so much to do, Aisling. You're very wise to keep it all in perspective.

Deb Shucka said...

I wish you the same.